Saturday, July 3, 2010

Perfect Lives -- a National Change in Perspective on Personal Responsibility

I have had the unfortunate privilege to be a witness to a shift in our nation’s perspective of personal responsibility. I have had the great pleasure of knowing and taking care of hundreds of WWII vets. These old men and women almost invariably have an attitude that nobody owes them anything. I can change their blood pressure medicine and they are disproportionately grateful that I took the time to care, or that the government is willing to spend an extra penny a day, literally, on this new dose. I have guys from WWII with disfigured faces and missing limbs, who as sure as they live and breathe, believe that this was a price worth paying to defend their country. They are still not asking what their country can do for them.

Fast-forward to today’s veteran. Don’t get me wrong; I appreciate the risks and sacrifices that these young men and women are making; going to war in deserts to try to keep us safe from terrorists, in wars that no one can really prove are making a difference (albeit we all hope they are). I mourn, too, for the lives that are lost. But there is a big difference in the attitude.

Seriously, let’s compare these two scenarios: 1. A man is willing to sacrifice his life, his limbs, his future with no expectation whatsoever of compensation. 2. A man is willing to make the same sacrifices with the full expectation that if anything happens to him, he will be taken care of for the rest of his life.

Who am I to criticize? I am grateful for the men and women who go to war for us. I never joined the military, because I never wanted that kind of a risk. Ironically, I am a bit of a pacifist, although I firmly support national defense. But seriously, the magnitude of those two sacrifices are not the same.

Does that mean that I don’t think we should take care of our injured? No, not at all. I whole-heartedly believe that if we put our young men and women in harm’s way, then we owe it to take care of them. It is one of the reasons I chose to work for the V.A. The troublesome issue is the attitude of the recipient.

The majority of the young men and women coming to the VA as new vets are smart, hard-working and earnest individuals. Unfortunately, it is my experience that the expectations have changed. Whereas 98% of the WWII vets expect nothing, about a third of the new young veterans expect everything. They can have minor ailments, such as an annoying persistent tendonitis, and expect disability, or demand an MRI when it is not indicated and would serve no purpose. I have old guys in their 80’s who have never asked for a thing in return for major injuries, and young guys who want the world for minor ailments. The new vets are often late for their appointments, or don’t show and expect speedy treatment anyway.

It’s not just the veterans. This is reflective of a broader change in our national thinking. It’s a lack of personal responsibility. Got chronic back pain? Go on disability -- why work? Something went wrong? Sue somebody. Nothing should ever go wrong. Nothing should ever go wrong with your life or your health. If it isn’t perfect, then it is somebody else’s fault. And if it is somebody else’s fault, then get a lawyer.

I hope that this trend changes. If we continue to think this way, it will be our downfall. We must be responsible for our own actions. Everyone should feel compelled to contribute to society, to do at least some kind of work. We have to stop demanding that our lives be perfect.

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